Green Tomato, Apple, and Orange; Ripe Tomato and Apple with Rosemary
From Mes Confitures, which is a gorgeous book.
2 pounds green tomatoes, or 1 1/4 pounds net
2 1/4 cups granulated sugar, plus 2 1/4 cups, plus 1/2 cup
1 1/2 pounds Ida Red apples (large, bright red apples with firm crisp and slightly acidic white flesh), or 1 1/4 pounds net
Juice of 1 small lemon
1 orange
3 1/2 ounces water
Pick the last of the fall tomatoes form your garden, and select the prettiest, greenest ones. Rinse in cold water, dry in a towel, cut in wedges and get rid of the juice, seeds, and white center parts.
In a bowl, combine the tomato pieces, 2 1/4 cups sugar, and lemon juice. Cover with a sheet of parchment paper and let macerate overnight.
Next day, put in a preserving pan. Bring to a boil and cook on low heat for ~10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Pour back into bowl, cover with parchment paper, and refrigerate overnight.
The third day, rinse and brush the orange under cold water and slice into very thin rounds. In a preserving pan, poach the slices with 1/2 cup sugar and the water, cooking at a boil until the slices are translucent. Add the green tomato mixture, bring to a boil, skim, and continue cooking on low heat for ~10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Meantime, peel the apples, remove their stems, halve them, core, and slice thin. When the tomato pieces are soft, add the sliced apples and 2 1/4 cups sugar. Bring to a boil, skim, and continue cooking on high heat for about 10 minutes, stirring gently. Skim carefully, check the set, pour into jars and seal.
(She doesn’t use HWB; I do.)
Ripe Tomato and Apple with Rosemary
2 1/4 pounds ripe grape tomatoes, or 1 lb 2 oz net
1 1/2 pounds Ida Red apples, or 1 pound 2 oz net
3 3/4 cups sugar
Juice of 1 small lemon
20 sprigs of rosemary
Select preferably stem tomatoes that appear in the markets toward fall. Blanch 1 minute in boiling water, refreshing in ice water. Peel, cut in quarters, core, seed, and squeeze out excess juice. Let drain in a strainer. Peel the apples, cut in two, core, and thinly slice.
In a preserving pan, combine the tomato quarters, sliced apples, sugar, lemon juice, and rosemary sprigs. Bring to a boil. Turn out into a bowl, cover with parchment paper, and refrigerate overnight.
Next day, pour through a sieve. Bring the collected syrup to a boil, skim, and continue cooking on high heat. The syrup will be sufficiently concentrated at 221 degrees fahrenheit on a candy thermometer. Add the tomato quarters, the sliced apples, and the rosemary sprigs. Bring to a boil again on high heat, skim, and return to a boil for ~5 minutes, stirring gently. Check the set, jar, and seal.