Spaghetti with Zucchini and Lemon
1 pound spaghetti or linguini
1 Tbsp olive oil
4 garlic cloves, minced or pressed
6-8 small, tender oung zucchini, sliced (4 C)
dash of salt and ground black pepper
juice of 1 lemon
6 large fresh basil leaves, cut into thin strips
1-2 C grated Pecorino cheese (3-6 oz)
Bring a large covered pot of water to a rapid boil. Add the paste, stir briefly, and cover the pot until the water boils again. Uncover the pot.
While the pasta cooks, heat the olive oil in a large heavy nonreactive skillet. Add the garlic and zucchini, and sauté on medium-high heat until the zucchini begins to brown. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add the lemon juice and basil, stir, and remove from the heat. The zucchini should be done just before the pasta is ready. When the pasta is al dente, drain it and then toss the hot pasta in a large warmed serving bowl with about a cup of the cheese. Top with the zucchini and serve immediately. Offer more cheese at the table, if desired.
Per 8-oz. serving: 294 calories, 13.3g protein, 6.9g fat, 44.4g carbohydrate, 291mg sodium, 11mg cholesterol.
(From Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home, p. 195)